Welcome to the Holidays Everybody. A special shout out to the December birthday people even if you are not in our data base.
December 1st 3-9:00 World Aids Day See Spokane Aids Network Facebook page for details please.
Our December potluck is on Saturday, December 2, this month - come with festive food if you can, Santa hats or reindeer antlers. Whatever, it should be a festive day. Please check your email Saturday morning in case road conditions are bad! We’ll set up at 11:30, eat at noon, clean up at 1:30. UUCS 4340 W. Whistalks Way. RSVP NancyTavery@comcast.net
Speaking of merry, how about coming to Rodgers High School in Spokane that night at 7 (December 2nd) to enjoy the Spectrum Concert? It would be great to support our members who are singing that night. Senior tickets are $8.00 at the door.
Taco Tuesday, December 5th at 5:00 at nYne.
Our speaker this month is actually a bit of a changeup – The Monarchs of the ISCS and Special Guest Performers present a holiday drag show at 6 PM at nYne bar and grill Spokane for our group, you can see it in person (or it is going to be live streamed/ recorded as well) on Saturday, December 23rd Hope to see you there.
Deb and Dave welcome those who would be alone to their place for Christmas, contact Deb for complete information at Debdoingtheology@hotmail.com
Our vaccination clinic partnership with Consistent Care is an ongoing success. Office of Aging in Eastern Washington funded the efforts to get as many people in the area vaccinated as possible. We will keep you posted on the amount of dollars raised to support our group. A special shout out to Dan for his efforts to coordinate the venture. Also, a big thank you to all of our volunteers who generously donated their time and stipend. And, another thank you to Rev Todd and UU of Spokane for making their space available.
Our grant application to the Smith-Barbieri Foundation has been reviewed - stay tuned to hear about the results. We are excited!
Looking ahead, our January speaker will be from Peer Spokane - tune in on January 19 to find out about yet another resource available to us.
Now that we are in the midst of the holiday season, please feel free to reach out to us via our website LGBTSeniorsINW or our Facebook page, or simply emailing or calling members who can offer support and encouragement, should you feel the need. Not everyone feels the glow - and it can be rough. We are here!
We, your Steering Committee, offer you our gratitude and warmest wishes for the special days of the month. Thank you for being a part of the group.